One Little Goat Theatre Company is seeking a Stage Manager for rehearsals of a new play in development. Rehearsals will begin July 13, 2015 with exact schedule to be determined.
This is a paying, non-Equity position. Non-Equity SMs and Equity apprentice SMs may apply. Applicants must have strong stage managing skills with demonstrated prior experience/training.
“Toronto’s enterprising One Little Goat” (New York Times) is North America’s only theatre company devoted to contemporary poetic theatre. Acclaimed for its highly interpretive, provocative approach to international plays, One Little Goat consistently features leading Canadian theatre artists.
Please submit résumé, including at least two references, plus a *brief* cover note by email to Adam Seelig, Artistic Director, Only applicants being considered will be contacted.
Submission deadline: Monday, June 15, 2015.
For more about One Little Goat, please visit: