This fall, “Toronto’s enterprising One Little Goat” (New York Times) is bringing elementary schools their first in-person theatre since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic by transforming schoolyards into outdoor theatres. Having performed PLAY: A (Mini) History of Theatre for Kids for over 30,000 students in 120 school gyms before the pandemic, we’ve adapted our production for the outdoors this fall to ensure students can still experience the performing arts in person in a pandemic-safe environment. This fall’s outdoor tour fulfils our goal — thanks to Friends of One Little Goat, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Toronto District School Board elementary school teachers and principals — of bringing high-calibre theatre to 36,000 students in 140 Toronto schools, primarily Model Schools for Inner Cities, free of charge.
Students and teachers respond to PLAY !
“Today Carleton Village Public School welcomed One Little Goat to perform their play, Play: A (Mini) History of Theatre for Kids to rave reviews from staff and students! It was a rare opportunity for students to see high quality, professional theatre in their schoolyard!” —Carleton Village Public School, North York, October 6, 2021
Left: Rochelle Bulmer & Richard Harte at Carleton Village (Oct. 6, 2021)
“Enjoying some outdoor theatre today. So thankful to have these performing arts opportunities again!” —Étienne Brûlé Junior Public School, Etobicoke, October 19, 2021
Right: students enjoying PLAY in the schoolyard of Étienne Brûlé Jr Public School (Oct. 19, 2021)
“Thank you for acting in the play today. My favourite part was when Mavis acted as a cat.” —Grade 2 student, East York, October 22, 2021
Left: student illustration of experiencing PLAY with schoolmates (Oct. 22, 2021)
“It feels amazing to share theatre with students again,” comments One Little Goat Artistic Director, Adam Seelig, “and it’s a thrill to bring schools their first in-person performances since the start of the pandemic. COVID-19 has kept young people apart, and the actors and I are so glad to be able to bring them back together, safely, through theatre. A number of Principals have remarked that for most of the youngest kids, this is their first live performance ever — that is a real honour for us.”
During the first year of the pandemic, Seelig formed a brass band, Horn on the Cob, with his two teenage sons and their neighbours, to thank frontline workers, going on to perform 100 evening porch concerts in a row. This experience solidified the idea for Seelig that outdoor performances were a viable, pandemic-safe option for One Little Goat.
Right: Seelig and sons playing with Horn on the Cob (May 19, 2020)
Read Seelig's Op-Ed in the Toronto Star on performing outside.
PLAY: A (Mini) History of Theatre for Kids, which has been touring schools since 2016, roots dramatic play in childhood games, empowering children as natural-born play-makers. Beginning with classic kids’ games like tag, PLAY introduces elementary students to some of the world’s most enduring and innovative games called “plays.” Actors Richard Harte and “Mavis-the-Sometimes-Cat” — Rochelle Bulmer, alternating with Jessica Salgueiro — guide young audiences through distinct periods of drama ranging from Ancient Greece to Modernism.
The script and music for PLAY, along with a resource guide for educators, are freely available on One Little Goat’s PLAY page and through the Toronto Public Library.
One Little Goat gratefully acknowledges the following organizations in addition to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their support in developing PLAY since 2016: Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, TD Bank, Irish Cultural Society of Toronto, Embassy of Ireland in Ottawa, and Friends of One Little Goat Theatre Company.
PLAY at Pelmo Park Public School (Oct. 5, 2021)
One Little Goat, North America’s only company devoted to contemporary poetic theatre, “has done audiences a huge service” (Toronto Star) through our highly interpretive, provocative approach to new and international plays. For 17 years, our Canadian and world premieres have garnered praise from the New York Times, Globe and Mail, CBC and others. Primarily a theatre company for mature/adult audiences, One Little Goat developed PLAY as our first production for young audiences.
As an official charity, One Little Goat depends on individual donations to make productions a reality. Your financial support is tax-deductible and greatly appreciated! 100% of your donation goes directly to programming.
Left: One Little Goat at Pauline Jr Public School (Oct. 8, 2021)
By cheque to One Little Goat Theatre Company, 422 Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2Z4, CANADA
Online through Canada Helps